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Home decor

DIY Home decor

Floral Wall Hanging

floral wall hanging

I’ve been struggling with a serious creative block lately. One thing that I’ve realized, however,  is that creativity will find you the second you stop looking so hard for it. After racking my brain for weeks to think my next DIY, one day I randomly decided to Continue Reading

DIY Home decor

Hanging Wine Cork Planter

It’s the first day of Spring. YAS.

What’s better than a bottle of really good merlot? Repurposing its cork into something really beautiful and functional, that’s what. My lovely friends at Ninety+ Cellars sent me a few bottles of the good stuff, and it was the perfect opportunity to do a DIY with Continue Reading

DIY Home decor

Gold Animal Fridge Magnets

I’ve said this before but let me repeat it for everyone who hasn’t noticed yet – my favorite color is gold. #Allgolderrthang. My obsession led me to make these fridge magnets which make a very simple ol’ thing like a fridge look jazzed up. I previously had some Continue Reading