I always make my own whipped cream at home. But when I found out that homemade whipped cream could serve as the base for ice cream, the game changed. Since then I’ve Used this to make Bailey’s ice cream with a chocolate swirl for a lil’ Razzle Dazzle.
The great thing about this recipe is how simple it is! It requires very few ingredient and you can adapt it for a variety of flavors. Is your sweet tooth tingling right now? Read on!

What you’ll need:
- 1/4 cup heavy cream
- 4-6 oz cooking chocolate
- 2 cups heavy cream, cold
- 1/3 cup sweet condensed milk
- 1/4 cup Bailey’s Irish cream

The how-to:
step one: Microwave the heavy cream on high until bubbling
step two: Add cooking chocolate to heated heavy cream, allow to melt for about a minute, then stir to combine evenly. Set aside to cool

step three: In a metal mixing bowl begin to whisk the 2 cups of cold heavy cream. You’ll see it start to aerate and thicken. Keep whisking till stiff peaks form

step four: Then, use a plastic spatula to fold in sweet condensed milk. Do this gently so you don’t “deflate” the whipped the heavy cream

step five: Fold in the Bailey’s after

step six: Fill 2 ramekins half way with the ice cream mixture, then using a spoon drizzle your chocolate on top

step seven: Do this in as many layers as you choose. I only did two.

step eight: Cover with cling film and freeze for 8 hours or overnight

There’s so much you can do to adapt this recipe. Swap out the Bailey’s for fruit purée to create a fruity and non-alcoholic version. Add a splash of Kahlua to the melted chocolate to add a Slight coffee flavor. Many possibilities here friends. I hope you try this and are as surprised as I was to discover how easy it is to make ice cream at home. Enjoy!