
Picture Of The Day

Greetings everyone!

I’m back in the U.S. after my too-short trip to Ghana. It was eventful, it was relaxing, it was everything! And for the first time in my life…IT HAPPENED. I met someone at a party and introduced myself to her, and she immediately said, “Don’t tell me you’re Essie Does Summer!”. I wish it was appropriate to have done a dance when she said that, or I’d have done it. Life achievement unlocked!

After coming back from such an amazing stay, the last thing I wanted to put up with was negativity. Now New York isn’t exactly the place to be if you want to avoid negativity – and people had already stated to annoy me. So I took the decision to JUST DO ME! Not everyday other peoples’ melancholy, sometimes good vibes.

And maybe you needed this reminder today. It’s a wonderful thing to put others before yourself but once in a while we all need to be selfish. Sometimes unplug and focus on you. It’s necessary!

Keep doing you, homies,


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